Thematic and the Content analysis, using Nvivo

Do you need help with the content analysis, thematic analysis, using Nvivo?

Following are few illustrations of how we furnish preferences while extending guidance:

Interviews, unstructured questionnaires, and the document analysis:

In addition to other modes of data collection, sometimes in-depth interviews, unstructured questionnaires, and consulting archives, function as the initial source of the data collection. In such a situation this is important for the researchers to explore and extract some prominent themes using the content analysis.

Furnishing a creative and indigenous stance:

Extracting some indigenous notion or research stance out of expression and responses is a rather delicate process. Once the stance using thematic or content analysis appears visibly, we need to carefully classify it among an obsolete, contemporary, or forthcoming.

Doing the thematic and the content analysis:

We help our students in defining nodes, themes, and in furnishing operational definitions for the categorization of responses. In recent times, Nvivo is used for making inferences using the qualitative data that appears in the form of expressions, and sentiments.

Discussion, and research reporting:

We narrate how to report findings and results of either the thematic or the content analysis, how to interpret results, and how to specify limitations of research.

Supplementing digitalization resources:

Keeping in view the orientation of research towards qualitative research designs, we can supplement the Nvivo package. To further facilitate digitized learning in online tutoring, graphical/ digital tablets, the Microsoft Whiteboard, and screen sharing options are used, so that any questions of Student(s) may quickly be answered in form of teaching notes.

About the content and thematic analysis supervisor

In addition to the vast experience of academic research, the supervisor worked as a research consultant on two contractual projects.

An author of journal articles.

Reviews and recommendations

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited

Shirin Hakim

Perfect! He is very knowledgeable in the scientific methods and was able to help me establish a robust understanding of the most appropriate methodologies for my study, something I have been struggling with for so long on my own.  He is very professional, kind, and helpful. I would highly recommend working with him on any methodological work.

He has played a monumental role in the progress of my doctorate work and I am so grateful to have him as a mentor!

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


Superb! Extremely privileged to have learned from him! He is the epitome of knowledge to countless learners and a mentor for many, including me.

His relentless contribution and generous guide as a research specialist, analyst, supervisor, and exceptional knowledge of research methods is just a small reflection of his capabilities and strength.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


​H​ardworking, and well organized! He carries a good combination of methodological tools, analytical, and presentation skills. He has loads of experience as a researcher, as a thesis supervisor, and as an author.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited

Dr. Haider

As a teacher and researcher, I found him very hardworking, efficient, diligent, resourceful, and full of energy. He has earned his respect among his teachers, peers, colleagues, students, friends, and family due to his cooperative behavior, thought-provoking arguments, resilience to embrace tough situations, good judgment, and decision making. He always digs deep into the concepts and makes them comprehensible to his students.

He is a good listener and an extraordinary speaker. He has researched and supervised very diverse topics which shows his untiring work and commitment to his students and institution. His analytical and quantitative skills are at par excellent. He has the great ability to motivate and inspire students and fellow researchers.

Profess: Educational Coaching and Research Support Limited


He has always been very kind, helpful, and cooperative both in academic and personal capacities. He takes good care of his students and colleagues on academic and moral fronts as well as in their professional careers.

The exceptionally well carried out role as a mentor places him in a unique and ideal position to lead good academic organizations in teaching and research roles.

No subscription or any other charges to get connected with the faculty.

Along with the provision of in-person meetings, facilitation has been created in terms of the one-on-one Webcam and online sessions.

All the ‘Profess’ faculty members and research supervisors are duly equipped with the needed academic tools such as the databases of academic literature and packages of the data analysis. In addition to that digital/ graphical tablets are used in online sessions so that none of the academic requirements is compromised.

Refresher course in Thematic and the Content analysis is aimed at academicians and professionals, who wish to update their knowledge and skills in how to structure the thematic or the content analysis or how to develop a stance/ narrative out the analysis.

For the specialized needs of a batch of persons, we can design the customized curricula: content, design, layout, and supplementary resources. Whereas, the refresher course may be adapted to the needs of professionals, belonging to Anthropology, Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Media studies.

Liaise and coordinate with the ‘Profess’ administration, to register your group needs.

For guidance in selected course contents, the fee per hour is Kr 850.

While for guidance and feedback in assignments, or in term projects, students are supposed to seek the consent of the supervisor regarding the time they need to review your related files, etc., and make the payment accordingly.

Travel Expenses: Needs to be settled among stakeholders under all packages (if applicable).

15 hours of exclusive teaching of course contents, over a span of 8 weeks. Total fee: Kr. 12000.

In the case a group of students is willing to take group sessions, each of the students gets a 30% discount on the total fee.

Travel Expenses: Needs to be settled among stakeholders under all packages (if applicable).

16 hours of exclusive teaching of course contents, over a span of 8 weeks. Total fee: Kr. 14000.

In the case a group of students is willing to take group sessions, each of the students gets a 30% discount on the total fee.

Travel Expenses: Needs to be settled among stakeholders under all packages (if applicable).

The ‘Profess’ team encourages both the key stake holders: students and faculty to get engaged for time commitment, only.

Privacy and protection of contact information are maintained according to GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulations).

    Contact us

    We don’t charge any fee for making contact with the faculty and with research supervisors.

    In order to minimize the contact time with the faculty, and with the intent of extending guidance earliest, we suggest providing sufficient information about your lesson and/or research needs.

    Note: Though the response time is generally a few hours, you should expect a concrete response to your query within a span of one day